Think & Make


Do you have a clear idea of a specific project and need quick solutions? Try our workshop! It is a short session to accelerate and revitalize your project by working together in a new way.


The visible part of the iceberg: We hand pick a team from our community of facilitators and designers depending on your needs.  For the workshop, the team is gathered within your walls to hack some of your products or services with you. Our facilitators help you to change your vision and produce wild ideas to make concrete and creative deliveries, such as new prototypes of a service or product designed in just two days. Everyone is listened to. We work with our methods in a joyful mood to achieve the defined goal.

We prepare the workshop in collaboration with you in order to codesign the best session ever.

The invisible part of the iceberg: We help you to think, disrupt that thinking and rethink.Together, we prepare a session based on your requests, your habits and your goals. We disturb your project to improve it and inject energy and dynamism in your project team.

// 2 days session

Let’s try a workshop !

Contact us !